Curricular Ensembles
Curricular ensembles are open to all students that attend Grassfield High School who meet the following criteria:
Curricular ensembles meet during the school day & are graded courses with assignments similar to all courses (written assignments, homework, tests, etc.). After school rehearsals & performances are CPS requirements for all curricular ensembles.
At Grassfield High School, we offer the following curricular ensembles in the band program:
- Student has successfully completed the previous year of band (i.e. incoming 9th graders have completed Band 8)
- Student auditions for the Directors & receives recommendation for placement in a band class.
Curricular ensembles meet during the school day & are graded courses with assignments similar to all courses (written assignments, homework, tests, etc.). After school rehearsals & performances are CPS requirements for all curricular ensembles.
At Grassfield High School, we offer the following curricular ensembles in the band program:
- 9th Grade Band: All 9th grade band students will be placed into the 9th Grade Band (separated into brass/woodwind/percussion classes)
- Symphonic Band: Open to all 10th-12th grade students.
- Wind Ensemble: Open to all 10th-12th grade students by audition & director recommendation.
- Percussion Ensemble: Open to all 10th-12th percussion students. Students will perform as a percussion ensemble & will be assigned to perform with the Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble.
Cocurricular Ensembles
Cocurricular ensembles are extensions of classroom learning in the band classes & are available to all students that participate in a curricular music course.
At Grassfield High School, we offer the following cocurricular ensembles:
At Grassfield High School, we offer the following cocurricular ensembles:
- Marching Grizzlies
- Jazz Bands
- Jazz Combo
- Winter Percussion Ensemble
- Winter Guard
- Brass Quintet
- Clarinet Choir